Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Quotes to Ponder

Ok, perhaps its time for a new post, but i guess there's too much lead kepping my ass pinned down in the wrong places. So, i'm continuing with this shortcut: Quotes to Ponder. Read on:

'Live for nothing or die for something.' John Rambo

Don't sayI'm sick; I'm just ill.

We cannot rise, not unless we fall once.

The world is flat. These idiots still don't believe me.

I'm not afraid of death - I'm afraid of women.

If you can't change what you can't control, don't even bother controlling what you can't change.

You need to weather the storm if you want the rainbow. - Life

Often times, it is the journey that matters, not the destination. - Life

I can breathe - and that is the single, most important thing to me.

You cannot kill me, not unless my ideas are dead.

The person who said, "The pen is mightier than the sword" obviously never encountered automatic weapons.

I believe in Darwin's theory of evolution and I believe in God. Both premises can appear on the same sentence.

In perseverance and forbearance you shall encounter newfound strength.

If the world was perfect or even flawless - then God is redundant.

I don't find joy in anything - I make my own.

It takes a trip to hell just to understand heaven.

Of course, not all the above are my quotes - two or three are outsourced. Post a comment on what you pondered.



AngelKein♥ said...

i change me link.


[FnG] insideout said...
