Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Decree of Honour: Chapter 1

Read Prologue here.




“My gratitude sir. 1000 Units is way above the normal tipping rate.” The waiter of the famous local Transcend Diner said.
“Don’t fret. I’m in my Friday mood.” John smiled.
“Ah, I see. May I get you anything else sir? Well, of course, anything apart from the eighth cheeseburger you’ve ordered.” The waiter replied with another smile.
“Well, the latte would do fine. Make it two please.” John paused, “Yes, please do get me the manager and tell him I need to complain about something.” He winked.
“As you wish sir.”

John looked around the humble ambiance of the diner. So simplistic yet so prosperous; he thought. Perhaps people these days knows how to appreciate the value of simplicity. All this never occurred before the Apocalypse. In the year 2015, there was an organisation of people who called themselves the Seraphim. They believed that the peace of the world was held in the balance of those who ruled with nuclear power. It is they who decide who lives and who does not with a turn of a key and the click of a button. America ruled sovereign over the world with their legion of undefeatable armies and the arsenal of nuclear weapons. Though other countries had nuclear warfare capabilities, none were of equal match to that of America.

The Seraphims then believed, should this – Power be eradicated off the face of the earth, it would be impossible to wretch peace. It was a small secretive organisation of commandos. They were perfect fighters and incredibly smart people. They were savvy in what they did and never failed a single mission due to their guerrilla warfare tactics. Their ultimate mission is to destroy every nuclear plant and facility. Assassinate every nuclear scientist. Destroy the blueprints of nuclear warheads, weaponry and facility. They knew there will be collateral damage, but it was far beyond what anyone had imagined. The destruction of nuclear facilities mostly led to the radioactive leakage or unwarranted nuclear fusions. Sometimes the overload of plants lead to the destruction of countries. But it was worth it, so to speak. No one ever knew how to build nuclear weapons no one can access any nuclear devices. No one could ever possess a weapon of mass destruction. Everything was obliterated within a period of devastation in a mere five years. The short epoch that followed was a peaceful one, where fear kept the people away from any wars. Indeed, billions of life had been lost from the Seraphim’s course of actions. No one wanted anything to trigger another response from the Seraphim again.

The name “Seraphim” is the ranking given to the most supreme angels in heaven, they used this to symbolise their power and their good intentions. Alas, the integrity of the Seraphim organisation faded with time. It became larger and the members were nothing but power-hungry people. They had become mafia-like gangs and the original reason was lost beyond measure.

“Lord Jonathan Delacroix,” a woman’s voice cut short John’s train of thoughts. “It’s a surprise people like you would come here.” It was the manager. She was a tall angular woman with high cheekbones and green eyes. John trained his eyes at her. She was about her late twenties, he guessed. She was wearing a white blouse and a pleated jean miniskirt. Simply said, she looks rather pretty, John thought.
“I’d say, it’s crazy to know the manager is a ‘she’ instead of a ‘he’,” He paused a moment, still looking at her standing arms akimbo. She was clearly getting impatient with him. “Take a seat and have a cup of coffee. It tastes good.” He gestured very gentlemanly towards the empty seat in front of him. She sat and said with a laugh, “Of course it is! I was the one who made it. Now, what is the problem? Your food?”
“I did not even ask; what is your name?” John asked, purposely evading her question.
“Its Eleanor and I’m working for my dad here. Earning money from an honest day’s work isn’t as easy as government people. The police these days, I don’t even know what they’re up to.” Eleanor was indirectly saying that to John. The police is the government of all the Regions.
“I’m still trying to look for a cheap room to rent. That’s how bad huh?” she continued.
“An affordable room to rent, you mean?”
Eleanor sighed, rolling her eyes. She even forgot her real purpose of being called to the table.
“I know some lodging around this area, and yes, it’s affordable not cheap,” He said.
“And right after your work here today I’ll bring you to that area. Charmed?”
“But ...”
“Good! I will get things ready and, you’ll give me a call once you’re done here, alright?”
“Uhh ..”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting for it.”
She was speechless. “You really are insistent aren’t you? Well, let’s hope that’s a good thing because I’ll be needing that room. Anyway, thanks for helping. I really can’t do without help these days.” She acquiesced.
John continued to stare at her with his crooked smile, his eyes transfixed at her bangs.
“Well, how do you think I got up through the ranks of the police force? Insistence.” He said.

Their conversation was stopped short as everyone craned their necks to the television screen at the corner of the diner. It was breaking news and the newscaster started to speak, “We’re sorry to interrupt your current television programme, but there has been a report of two brutal killings of police officers this morning. The irony is; the occurrence of this disturbing event was just behind the Regional Police Metroquarters, Alleyroad 22. Witnesses said they heard an explosion inside the alley but did not proceed further to check. Approximately ten minutes later, they saw a figure emerge from the ally, donning a grim reaper-style hooded cloak and screaming in an inhuman voice. Halloween? But its only February. The macabre look on the figure scattered witnesses as it glided away into the darkness of the night. If he wanted to build a reputation, we believe he already has accomplished it. Some say the figure is not even a man and is a nasty trick someone is trying to play. Here is one of the pictures taken by the witness,” the screen changed to show a ghastly-looking figure. The newscaster continued, “The police task force is currently trying to pursue the attacker and would appreciate anyone who is willing to provide information. Investigation has revealed that the two officers were killed without the usage of any firearms. Apparently, this is all for the breaking news. Please enjoy your day.” With that, the current program came back on.

The whole diner started to fill with hissing sounds as people whispered about the enigmatic figure. Who is he? What is it? What does it want? A grim reaper? A whole series of questions erupted from every corner of the previously quiet diner. Who would be audacious enough to confront the police force like that?

“Foolish bugger I’d say. He’s got the craziest arse in the region, having the cheek to kill two policemen. Whoever did that is trying to mess with the government and that would be suicide.” John shook his head.
“I was thinking the same, but, funny, as I saw the picture of that grim reaper, it sent a chill up my spine. I felt as though it was not even human.” Eleanor said, lowering her tone.
“Let’s just hope he does not kill me okay?” John laughed.
“Hey, are you mad? This is not a joke! You are indeed in the police force. This could happen to you anytime, especially when you’re right at the top of the ranks.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve got Sentinels to provide cover, this joker would not even dare come close to me.” John was referring to the police Sentinels. The Sentinels are police officers too. But they are highly paid by certain people to be hired as bodyguards. They are most competent fighters and accurate marksmen. Those who hire them will be ensured superior protection. Sometimes they are even utilised to be assassins.
“Well, I hope they are competent enough against this grim reaper, because if he is able to take down two police officers without using guns, we don’t know what else is he capable of doing.” Eleanor said.
“Ellen, don’t you worry now, alright?” John tried to mollify her as he stood. He was about to leave already. “This person might just be another Sentinel and he was ordered to kill the two police officers. He is just one guy, I have four Sentinels, alright? I’ve got to go now. The police is going to need my help.”
“Alright then. I’ll give you a call once I’ve packed. And one more thing,” she paused.
“Don’t call me Ellen again.”
John turned back as he was walking away, “I’ll remember to keep that in mind Ellen.” He smiled and walked away.

It’s funny how fast you can be acquainted to people these days; he thought and walked out of the diner, remembering the table he sat at just now – table 5.


Eleanor walked up to the double doors of the kitchen. She pouted her lips and made a detour to the bathroom instead. Crazy person she thought. Someone like John would not have come to this type of places. A lowly diner like this? John has obtained the Lord rank in the police task force. He should have a class above the normal citizens. She looked into the mirror. Worst thing that came to mind is – John is a weaponry expert, a technological weapons engineer. The guns, cannons and bombs that he made – all for the purpose of diffusing a person’s life like a spark in the wind. John – she pictured his face again. Yes, he is indeed handsome, well-built and in his mid twenties; but she has always held to the principle that looks are not everything. Crazy, she thought to herself again. “Why am I even thinking of this? It is preposterous!” she said out loud. Am I falling for this bloke? She dismissed that thought hurriedly. Damn, dad must not find out I lacked just now – sitting down with some guy in his trench coat. He was even a gentlemen in his disposition. Thinking about it, she imagined looking at herself in third-person. “Oh my gawd!” she exclaimed out loud. Eleanor just realised that they looked like they were dating – but – in the morning? No, she dismissed that ridiculous thought again.

Eleanor still had her eyes peeled on her image in the mirror. Maybe I should turn down his offer. Yes, correct, turn down his offer, then all this dilemmas and confusion would be put behind her, she contemplated. But Ellen, no one has called her that before – a nickname! That is even more incredulous! But; at the same time it seemed cool, Ellen; it sounds nice too.

Her hands reached to touch her bangs lightly, then her palms ran down her head to her blond braids. Eleanor looks pretty, and she knows it, but her looks is inherently accompanied by her stubborn attitude of her refusal to admit to that fact openly. She was deep in thought now. Perhaps, just perhaps, maybe I am a little too paranoid. Paranoia tends to make people do silly things – like a police Lord coming down to this humble diner for a breakfast of eight cheeseburgers for example. He might be trying to drown his predicaments with cheese maybe. She chuckled at that thought. “Alright,” she whispered, “maybe I’ll just give him a chance.” After all, he was just going to offer me a room to stay in.

Confident after winning her inner debate she walked out of the bathroom. Looking down she cantered towards the kitchen, aiming to continue her job. Just before reaching the kitchen she bumped into a waiter. “Oh, hey, Eleanor! Who’s your new boyfriend there just now? Oh, and yea, what were you doing in that bathroom just now for ages?” he gave a cheeky smile.
“Don’t you dare mention any word about this to dad or anyone else in this world, you understand?” she pointed an accusing finger at the waiter, clearly blushing and brimming with insecurity.
“Or else?” the young waiter said, still keeping that mischievous smile.
“Or else, I’m going to ...” Eleanor couldn’t find anything to frame the waiter of. She sighed heavily.
“Alright, just don’t tell anyone about this okay? He’s just a demanding customer, that is all.” Her tone soften and turn to a pleading tone. The waiter, clasped his hand together, giggling.
“Don’t worry – Ellen. Or is that what that dude called you?” he said. Eleanor blushed tomato red this time.
“He tipped me a thousand Units, so perhaps I’m going to leave you alone. Happy?” he continued. Eleanor sighed a relived sigh this time and walked away to the kitchen, not saying a word for almost the whole day.


That pesky waiter would not be at the least try to disturb Eleanor, John thought driving his roadster back to his mansion. One thousand Units; not much on his side he thought, just for charity. The automated cast-iron gates opened to expose a magnificent tree yard of Flame-of-the-forest trees, leading to the entrance of his mansion.

Three sentry cannons aimed at the moving vehicle. It is always armed, but firing was never necessary. No one dared to walk into the boundaries of his home before. He stepped out of the car, as it was left on its own to park, courtesy of the MetroPolice Artificial Intelligence system. John walked into his house calmly, looking up at the overhanging chandelier. Anyone who did enter his house will be stunned at the expensive sense of grandeur his mansion carried. It was all paid for by the government. He looked straight. There were two curved stairs leading to the upper level and beneath that a small passage leading to his ostentatious dining room. Familiarity breeds contempt, however, and John is unperturbed by the grandeur of the house. The lobby had many portraits, but only one of these attracted him. John walked serenely towards that portrait, in a pensive mood.

It was a painting of the Earth, before the Apocalypse. There were many segments of the Earth, also known as countries. It was divided into seven continents; Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe and Australia. Countries in that period of time, before the Apocalypse were facing countless crisis. Earthquakes, adverse effects of prolonged pollution, melting of polar ice caps. The Earth was being treated in the most contemptuous way imaginable. The Seraphim destroyed most of the countries with the massive collateral damage courtesy of their eradication of nuclear power mission, people died from the ever exposure of radioactive substance.

Countries began fearing the chaos and started throwing what they can at each other in insecurity. It was the ultimate nuclear warfare ever known in the history of the Earth. World War Three had begun before anyone even noticed it. The Middle East countries were obliterated within weeks with their inhabitants; children, women, men, innocent and evil alike. America threw its entire arsenal of weapons and sent its legion of armies to the Middle East in fearful retaliation. In their terror, America devoured themselves, as the Seraphim leaders tore America apart with their own weapons. Other countries succumbed into war, some out of defence, most, out of fear.

Before the Seraphim strike, the Earth’s population was approximately recorded as an immense number of 6.725 billion, correct to the year 2008. That number drastically decreased, as people dropped like flies in the World War Three devastation. It came down to less than four billion people. The planet Earth could bear the devastation no longer. The inevitable occurred; planet Earth was fighting back and the Apocalypse was initiated. The earthquakes that started with Aceh Indonesia which caused a mega tsunami was just the beginning. The earth was going through a massive platonic movement. This started since the beginning of ages, during the epoch of dinosaurs, when the entire mass of land was merely a single continent, also known as the Pangaea.

By the year 2019, the earthquakes became more prominent in many parts of the world. Graphs on the Richter scales were tipped, achieving an average magnitude of 9.5. Continents were shattered, sandwiched, and combined. It became more evident that all the land masses in the planet were merging with each other. No one actually knew about this occurrence. There was only the shallow knowledge that earthquakes were occurring amidst the World War. Ignorance was due to the satellites being abandoned in outer space, without operation.

Not long after, the polar ice caps started melting. There was tremendous accumulation of heat in the atmosphere. Massive flooding occurred everywhere. Small pieces of land was consumed by water and the new Pangaea formed though platonic movement was flooded at all boundaries. Soon, there were no more countries, the population was then cut down to an insignificant amount of approximately 2 million.

The earth’s plates stopped moving, the flooding stopped and the World War Three was a lost cause. By 2024, the Apocalypse was over. The Apocalypse was the ultimate phenomenon that almost wiped out the entire human race. All was silent. All that was left was two million people on a giant mass of land. It was like stone age all over again. The Apocalypse, John thought, it was as though God’s hands were protecting him. John was one of the survivors from the Apocalypse. He is still haunted by his past, living with the question of his parents. Did they survive? Where could they be? A burst of anger erupted within him. If the Seraphim never did started their “Holy War” so to speak; none of this would have occurred - the Apocalypse would not achieve such a degree of devastation. He would not have been detached from his parents. John vowed to himself the day he was separated from his parents, that he will, in best of endeavour, assist in the reconstruction of the Earth.
“And that is just what I am going to continue doing. To heal the Earth.” He promised. Then wiping a single tear from his cheeks, he walked away silently.


The sun was already setting, casting a sinister glow of red on the walls of Transcend Diner. It was already seven in the evening and these warm beams penetrated the windows where Eleanor stood. Eleanor was at the end of her shift, dealing with the last few beverages that she was assigned to complete. She threw a hurried glance at her chronometer – 1904, it read. She cautiously let the saucer touch the counter and took the stairs to her miniature room upstairs. Her blond hair shifted swiftly as Eleanor turned to look at the mess she made from the clothes jammed halfway into her travelling bag. She sighed, arms akimbo. She picked up what was inside and left out what was outside, zipped it noisily and stumbled downstairs. Eleanor made a phone call to John’s mobile earlier and he was arriving soon.

The rumblings of a car rattled the grills of Transcend Diner. John arrived. Punctually. Eleanor grinned to herself in the car. “People like you ... they are usually bad time keepers.”
John smiled decently, then he spoke up for the first time in the car, “Well, at least I keep my watch working, that’s why.”

The car sped off to the highway towards the outskirts of Region Seven, where more trees covered acres of land. He approached the same automatic gate earlier on as the sentry guns geared their movement towards the car. John was bringing her to his home.

Eleanor got out of the car once it stopped and she frowned heavily. “Just because we had a little talk between you and me this morning, it doesn’t meant there’s something going on between us.” She said.
“I never had such notions in mind, young miss. You needed a place to stay. I have twenty five rooms in my house and even I can bi-locate myself, I can’t stay in all these rooms can’t I? Now, don’t hesitate and lets go in. The butler’s got dinner waiting.” John stuck her with infallible reasoning and she kept quiet, to concede and both walked into the dining room.

They were both seated at the dining table, filled with a small array of food.
“The Seraphim organisation. It’s intriguing. During my time – well, which is your time too, they were sort of like heroes, that was what we heard. During the days in the bunker, there was not much news about the happening above. All we knew was the Apocalypse was happening. Now, the Seraphim seems to be like rogues. What really happened to them – who are they?”
“Don’t be fooled Ellen. I was one of the few who lived with the Apocalypse instead of living through the Apocalypse. The Seraphim never did change. They were and always are rogues. Of course, during the Reconstruction, they stayed dormant because their numbers had dropped. You never did know how it was to live through the Apocalypse; scavenging, running to live. The Seraphim knew nothing of cleansing the earth. They were killing more people through their stupid ‘Holy War’ against the nuclear powers. Now, they have returned, finding their strength in numbers. God knows what they’ll do next. Bring the invasion of the aquatilisaraneus grandis? I’ll be damned. Their network is one hell of a large one to infiltrate.” He paused, taking a sip of well-aged Pinot Noir. “That would be the only reason why I am constantly trying to get the police to concentrate their forces on the Seraphim. The Seraphim is led by six leaders, called the Seraphim Elites. Get all of them, and you’ll get to the guy above all of them, shut his ass down and Seraphim will be dead.” he stopped, again pausing to nose the glass of wine. It was a perfect blend of fruity flavour.

“That would of course be not as easy as it sounds. With their people crawling all over, it would be difficult. Get one of them and the rest of the gang would take chase after your family and friend’s lives.” Eleanor spoke up.
“That won’t be too easy either. Especially when I do not have any friends, nor do I have any relatives. They are all dead from the Apocalypse.” John smirked, as thought it was not a big issue to contend with.
“Oh. I’m sorry. I guess I shouldn’t have venture into that area of discussion. I...”
“Well, it’s a good thing they’re dead. I could have more than enough good reason to take the members of the Seraphim into custody. I’ve got the law, and I’ve got no one to protect. That makes my job easier to accomplish.”
“You’re a crazy person. That is the only explanation to how you got your ‘Lord’ title.” She joked.
“Well, not exactly. I was just one of the few who were involved in the reconstruction. While the people stayed in the bunkers, after the Apocalypse, a group of people decided to recreate a government system, a government that was controlled by the police to ensure security, which of course is a greatly flawed system now. Since the entire masses of land had been integrated through the earth’s platonic movement, the government divided the whole land mass into segments and called it Regions. In all, like what we have today, are seven Regions and Region Seven is the only most developed part of the world. All our forces were concentrated into rebuilding the world and we started with Region Seven which was inadvertently caused to become the mid-land regions, where it was far from the sea. Generally, it was the much safer option to rebuild the city away from the mutated spiders or aqua-spiders which are made from the result of the radioactive leak. They were apparently able to withstand the radioactive poisons but they sooner developed a much bigger appetite than rats and small insects. Aquatilisaraneus grandis. There’s a reason why we called it by that name. In Latin, it basically means a spider that is massive in size and lives in the water. Of course, our population had decreased much more than before, so we do not occupy much land. The coasts however, are constantly unpopulated due to these five feet spiders. That is the only reason explicable that Region One, Region Two and Region Three, which all engirdle this entire landmass is still under the governmental lockdown.” John paused again. He felt like he just gave a speech in the local college’s lecture hall.

Eleanor, however was impressed with John’s knowledge. She was in awe, that he was one of the few who could be audacious enough to get into the open for the rebuilding of the earth. He was still in his late teenage years when he was already capable of undertaking such feats. Her impertinence of the police force suddenly dissolved in that dinner. Eleanor smiled to herself, watching John dive into his mountain load of spaghetti. John looked up, staring past his forkful of spaghetti noodles, seeing her smile.

“By the way, how old are you?” he asked cheekily, knowing well, that it was a sensitive question to women.
“I’m twenty eight. How old are you?” she blushed pink.
“Funny, I’m five years younger than you.”
“And that makes me?”
“Older than me – old, you’re getting old, and soon senile.” He mocked.
“Hey! Careful! I’m holding a fork and I might throw that at you!” she played along. Both laughed heartily.

The plate of spaghetti and meatballs were quickly devoured by John. He had an appetite and wasn’t the slightest bit embarrassed about it.

“Alright. Since you’re done, I’ll lead you to your room. I need to warn you though, it’s very cosy, if you do not decide to sleep yet, blast the stereos there. You can pay for my lodgings for 20 Units a month.”
She grinned in acknowledgement, as he carried her luggage across the dining room to the stairs in the lobby, leading to a narrow corridor. He led her to one of the rooms there. As he forewarned, it was tremendously cosy, a soft bed with a freshly crackling fireplace and a dimmed ambiance. One word. Suite.

Eleanor was in incredulity. She had never did been in such a lavish place, let alone sleep there. She frowned, then with her famous arms akimbo she turned towards John.
“What do you want from me? I don’t know what is up but, such affordable pricing for such a place? Well, if you’re thinking about sleeping with me, you can kiss that idea goodbye.”
John maintained his smile throughout, he replied softly, “Well, if that is what you think then that is fine with me. You may be a very attractive lady standing next to me, but I am not thinking of being a fool to make use of you or your body or whatever you think of. If you haven’t yet realised; there’s still good people in this corrupting world. Make today, make me an epiphany for your thought.”

Eleanor stood there dumbfounded, unable to argue. He was simply just too kind or he was a remarkable conman.
“Alright. You’re right this time; perhaps I should stop being so critical of you police guys. That is what my problem is.”

A sudden cold feeling ran up her spine. “John, what happens if that grim-reaper comes here? I just realised that that cop killer is still on the loose.”
“Now, don’t you worry. Did you not remember this morning I told you that I have four Sentinels guarding my house? They will keep this house and its occupants out of harm, you understand?”
“But I did not see any of them in your precincts just now.” Eleanor said, her voice slightly shaking.
“You don’t trust me?” he said.
“I do, but it’s just that if they ever come for you – or even me, I don’t know what to do.”

He brought her into the bedroom, then bending near the bed stand, he pulled out a fully automatic shotgun from under the bed. It was big, and psychologically, made the person that wielded it feel safe.

“Do you know how to use a gun?” he asked.
“Yes, but ...”
“Trust in yourself, and the gun. Do not fear the grim-reaper. He is just but a human, like you. Don’t be fooled by the media. He is a human.” He reaffirmed his point to her. Eleanor caressed the shotgun.
“We’ll see about that. It’s a little hard to regret later once I’m dead. Looks like I have to pump some lead into this little bastard before he reaches me.”
“By the way,” he threw her a key. It is the key to one of his cars.
“Goodnight then.”

She shut the door and locked it, then she turned towards the windows. It was sealed shut. With the slight buzzing sound of the sentry guns, securing the window area. Eleanor then returned to her bag of clothes. It was a mess. Nightdress. She left her nightdress at home. Damn it, she thought. Curious, she walked towards the wardrobe and opened it. There was a nightdress there, a few set of clothes and a bathrobe. “He just seems to be precognitive doesn’t he? I’ll be damned. First the waiter this morning, now this.” She smiled to herself, deep in thought. Then she walked towards the bathroom, took one last bath and went to a peaceful night’s slumber.


kiDDiE said...

Oooh!This one's good...It's got me hooked to it...I'm lovin' every word...continue the story!!!

We'll be waiting impatiently!!

[FnG] insideout said...


I find this chapter boring. The next chapter will cover more of the action ;)